Before we left on this day trip, I asked a lot of questions and did a lot of research online before leaving. However, most people who live and work on base have a car, and they don't take public transportation too much. So, some of their information was a little.. incomplete. Like, directions to actually get to the train station. Luckily, people understand imcomplete one-word sentances even if they don't speak English and we don't speak German. But, it is always polite to ask them before speaking to them in English.. to ask them in German if they speak English. Sprechen Sie Englisch? And when we get to Africa, Parlez-vou anglais?
When we arrived in Esslingen, I was told.. follow the church steeple, that is usually where the center of town is. Well, we couldn't see the church steeple when we got off the train.. amongst the modern tall buildings blocking it. But, eventually we wandered enough that we found the old town, and also some nice medieval structures. Even though, the entire time we all wanted to be inside where it was warm.
Schelztor gate-tower

A building under renovation with Parish church of St. Dionysius behind it. River Neckar and ducks.
Parish church of St. Dionysius
Inside Parish church of St. Dionysius
We found it very interesting that we ended up in a town that has a church called Dionysius.. when that is the last name of our nephew who lived with us for six months last year. Maybe this is a sign that he needs to start going back to church! :)
Even the Starbucks is in a medieval-style building
His first German bratwurst in Germany. He LOVED it.. and they were very good. Not bad from a street vendor.
So cold, she couldn't even take her arms out of her jacket to push her sisters stroller.
Vinyards on the very steep hills
Back on the train, only a few stops away is the Mercedes-Benz museum. Which is where Lilly wanted to go. However, I don't think she thought it would be so big.. they take you back in time to where it all began in 1886. Eight floors. The amount of collections they have here.. I can't even imagine what the insurance payments are on that place! And its a very high-tech building.
Mercedes-Benz museum, Stuttgart
No hands AND asleep.. she's pretty tallented!
1886 - The first gasoline car
1980 Mercedes-Benz "Pope Mobile"
A very interesting display of historic cars
We spent so much time in the museum, it was dark outside when we left. And the waiting and walking back to the hotel was extremely cold. On our journey, we were pretty worried for little Emma. She wasn't walking to stay warm.. and started to fall asleep in her stroller again. So, I made Bryce carry her to keep her alert and warmer. However, when we got back.. her hands and feet were very red and sore. So.. needless to say, our journey for today is cancelled, as we can't risk being out in the cold again.. as we would have to walk back to the S-Bahn for today's journey. Again, we hope to come back when it's warmer and can be a little more adventerous.
This is my last post from this continent. Tomorrow, we begin our journey to our third continent (Bryce will be returning to his fourth continent). Emma isn't even two and she is already traveling to a third continent!
Please pray for little to no drama, or issues. This time, the dog will be checked as baggage instead of flying in-cabin with us (he tore through his soft-sided kennel last week). This leg of the trip will be even longer than the legs it took to get to Germany. We hope for good weather, as there has been inclement weather in Paris where one of our connections is at. And prayers for safety in the other countries we have connections in. Our arrival will be very late in Djibouti. But finally.. what we've been waiting for. Soon, we will see our new home.
I do not know when we will have access to internet again, so..
Until next time! We are ready for warmth!
Stuttgart - 11:30am ~ 35 degrees
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